Inside your theme's SandboxSolution folder you will find a .wsp file which you will be using for installing your theme.

  1. Open your SharePoint Site;
  2. Click on Settings ⚙️ and then on Site settings;
  3. Under "Web Designer Galleries", click on Solutions;

    Note: If you're not working on your root site this option will not appear.

  4. Click on Upload Solution;

  5. Upload the "yourthemename".SP2013.wsp file. You can find the file by opening your theme's pack and the SandboxSolution folder;
  6. Click OK;
  7. Click on Activate to activate the theme.

Theme installed! ✅

Set the master page

The final step is to change your current master page to one of the theme's master pages.

  1. Open the Settings menu and click on Site Settings;
  2. Under Look and Feel, click on Master page.


  3. Choose the master page you want to apply. Your theme's master pages starts by yourthemename;

    changethemasterpage_3 4. Click Ok.

Master Page set! ✅